
Wednesday, 24 August 2011

10 Dos & Don'ts to Help Slow the Aging Skin Process

Maybe you're in your 20s or early 30s and you think you can't possibly have (gulp) aging skin yet. Well, you're wrong. Your skin's "youthfulness" has less to do with age than how it's been treated, so if exposed to sun, smoke and stress, your skin will start "acting old," losing collagen, glow and elasticity. Lines will develop prematurely and your skin may look dull and "blah."
It's easier to prevent damage than to repair it, but the good news is you can put the brakes on prematurely aging skin and you can reverse the aging process, well, to a point.
Here are 5 dos and 5 don’ts to help slow down and reverse the aging process and leave your skin glowing at any age.

5 Dos and 5 Don’ts to Help Slow the Aging Skin Process

  • Do stop smoking. Ever notice the skin of a lifelong smoker? It can appear wrinkly like a squashed paper bag. The fact is, smoking is the 2nd biggest cause of skin damage after sun exposure. Why? Nicotine constricts blood vessels and decreases the flow of oxygen to the skin. Not good things.
  • Do use a retinoid every day or every few days. A daily application of a prescription retinoid lotion (such as Retin-A or Tazorac) can erase years from your face. In fact, dermatologists claim retinoids (see "Is this product the secret to looking young?" are the one anti-aging product that really works. Before I used Retin-A, I suffered from dull skin. My complexion had a white cast, a dull pallor until I bought a tube of Retin-A over-the-counter in Mexico. I had friends who swore by the stuff. After using the product for a few weeks (and going through the annoying period where my skin turned red and peeled), all of a sudden I had dewy, glowing skin and people started to tell me I had gorgeous skin.
    AHAs used properly not only rids your face of dead skin, but can seem to take 10 years off as well by reducing fine lines. (Keep in mind these products do NOT shrink pores. Your pore size is completely hereditary, so don't believe promises of permanent reduction). Over-the-counter options such as RoC Deep Wrinkle Night Cream are good, but prescription creams work the best. Extra tip: You must stay out of the sun if you use retinoids. You are extra-susceptible to sunburns.
  • Do give yourself a facial once a week. If you follow my Basic At-Home Facial I guarantee your skin will never look better. My facial takes only 30 minutes and includes cleansing, exfoliation via a facial scrub, a hydrating mask, a quick steam and moisturizer.
  • Do wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. You’ve had it ingrained in your head since youth, but seriously, even in winter it can take just 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure to damage the skin. Here's a list of great sunscreens, including what I believe to be the best sunscreen in the world. By the way, it's a MYTH that 80 percent of your lifetime sun damage occurs before age 18, according to O Magazine. Katie Rodan, MD, adjunct professor of dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine, says in O that this myth stands officially debunked and studies indicate we get only 23 percent of total UV exposure by age 18. Of course it gets worse as we age. So you CAN prevent sun-induced aging by wearing sunscreen.
  • Do shield your windows. The average commuter gets 200 hours of sun exposure each year and 80 percent of sun exposure is through car windows, according to Boston dermatologist Ranella Hirsch in Harper's Bazaar. To protect your skin against sun damage (the leading cause of aging skin), invest in a window shield like Solar Gard. Shields with SPF 285 can block UVA and UVB rays by 99 percent.

    You saw the 5 "dos" for perfect skin care. Now here are 5 don'ts:

  • Don’t pull and rub your skin. Aging skin has been under attack by UV rays, stress and carbon monoxide so don't stress it more by pulling on it.
  • Don’t forget to moisturize. While it's a myth that wrinkles are caused by dry skin, moisturizing can improve the appearance of lines by temporarily plumping them up. Also consider a good eye cream. Eye creams are controversial because some pros claim they don't really do anything, but many women swear by them. Extra tip: Moisturizers are best used on damp skin. They lock the moisture in. Dr. Dennis Gross doesn't use tap water when washing skin because of harsh minerals found in many city water sources. Instead, he rinses off with Evian water.

    See my list of the best moisturizers and the best eye creams.
  • Don’t ignore your neck and chest. The neck and chest are first to show the signs of aging (they have fewer oil glands than the rest of your body), yet most of us ignore them. Look for moisturizers that have age-fighting ingredients like vitamin A (retinols), kinetin, copper or vitamin C.
  • Don’t tan. Even if wrinkles haven't shown up yet, you need to stop tanning now because they will. Once signs of aging appears, you'll be spending a lot of money to reverse it. So if you do have sun damage? You can reverse the damage with photorejuvenation such as pulsed light treatments. Many spas and dermatologists provide these pricey fixes. If you do have brown spots, treat them with lemon juice diluted with water, according to NY dermatologist Jessica Krant in Harper's Bazaar. Krant suggests applying the mixture with a Q-tip nightly, gradually increasing it twice daily until sun spots fade away.
  • Don’t sporadically take care of your skin. It's important to cleanse your face every night not only to avoid clogged pores, but also to wash away all the pollution your skin has been prone to.
    As for anti-aging regimens, you need to keep it up for best effects. You may suffer redness and a bit of peeling at first, but this is normal. To get the full effects of acid peels, retinoids, AHAs, and moisturizers you have to keep at it. The initial benefits will go away if you stop using them.
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How to Fight the Frizz in Summer

Frizzy hair is a curly girl's nightmare and summer humidity and rains can wreck havoc on hair, turning glossy curls into frizz within a matter of minutes. So how to fight the frizz? One secret lies in conditioning. It's important to deep condition hair every time you wash it. Keep a thick conditioner on hair for at least 5 minutes before rinsing and consider adding a stay-in conditioner once you leave the shower.
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Does Kate Middleton Wear Too Much Eyeliner?

The beauty world went into an uproar this week after British designer Vivienne Westwood told The London Sunday Times that the Duchess of Cambridge "has a problem with eye make-up."
"The sharp line around her eyes make her look hard. Either she should be smudgy or wear none," said Westwood, who can be a bit over-the-top herself (see her in hot pink hair and a crazy get-up and check out her penis shoe).
Westwood is not the first to criticize Kate Middleton's eye makeup. Months ago, makeup artist Pati Dubroff told Allure Magazine that Kate needed to ease up on the eyeliner. "Kate mainly plays up her eyes with heavy black liner along the inner rims, which actually makes them appear smaller," Dubroff said to Allure. "I'd love to see her soften it up with a plum or aubergine shadow just along the lash lines to enhance her green eyes."
Good point. Plum or aubergine shades really do make green eyes pop. But do you think Kate needs to lighten up on the eyeliner? Weigh in below
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Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Prevent Weight Gain in Postmenopausal Women

Some research suggests that calcium and vitamin D may play a role in weight management. These nutrients may stimulate the breakdown of fat cells and suppress the development of new ones.
In the May 14th issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, Dr. Bette Caan, Principal Investigator of the Oakland WHI Clinical Center, published results based on data provided by the 36,282 participants in the WHI Calcium and Vitamin D Study (CaD). Dr. Caan and her co-authors looked at weight change over the 7 years that women participated in the CaD study. She found that at the end of the study, women in the group taking study pills with active calcium plus vitamin D weighed an average of 0.28 pounds less than those taking the placebo pills, which is a small but statistically significant difference in weight change.
Women taking active pills were also less likely to gain weight. The greatest benefits were seen in women whose total calcium intakes at the start of the study were below 1,200 mg/per day, which is the current recommended dietary intake for women this age. In these women, when compared to women taking placebo, women taking the calcium and vitamin D supplements had a lower risk of gaining weight, and had a higher likelihood of maintaining a stable weight (within 2.2 pounds of their starting weight) or losing weight (more than 2.2 pounds), after three years in the study.
Prevention of weight gain is an important public health goal. Monitoring calories in the diet and maintaining daily physical activity should clearly be considered the basic parts of weight management. However, further research is needed to look at the effect of calcium supplementation, combined with caloric restriction and physical activity, on preventing weight gain.
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Low-fat dietary pattern and cancer incidence in the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Randomized Controlled Trial

A low-fat dietary pattern may reduce the occurrence of invasive ovarian cancer among postmenopausal women. In the WHI Dietary Study, there were 160 cases of ovarian cancer reported among the 48,835 participants during the 8.1 years of the study's intervention phase. There were fewer new cases of ovarian cancer identified among the dietary change (intervention) participants than among the usual diet (comparison) participants. For the equivalent of every 100,000 low-fat dietary change participants per year there were 36 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed. For the equivalent of every 100,000 usual diet participants per year there were 43 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed. This difference was statistically significant. The probability that a difference between groups, as large as that observed, occurs by chance alone is only 3%. A probability of 5% or less is considered statistically significant.
During the first four years of the WHI Dietary Study, no effect of diet on ovarian cancer was apparent. This was anticipated in the study’s design. It can take years to see the effect of a preventive intervention on cancer risk. After the first four years of the study, there was a statistically significant 40% risk reduction in ovarian cancer among participants in the low-fat dietary change group compared to the usual diet group.
As with the breast cancer findings, the greatest reduction in cases of ovarian cancer was among dietary change participants who started with higher intakes of total fat as a percentage of calories and made the greatest reductions in fat intake. The reduced risk of ovarian cancer among the dietary change group compared to the usual diet group did not appear to be effected by the modest weight loss experienced by the dietary change group or by family history of ovarian cancer.
Among U.S. women, ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death. Ovarian cancer is a rare form of cancer among women, striking approximately 13 women out of 100,000 in the U.S. each year, which is about 1 in 60 women in their lifetimes. Compare this to breast cancer, which is diagnosed in approximately 119 women out of 100,000 each year, 1 in 8 women in their lifetimes. The mortality rate for ovarian cancer is high. Ten women out of 100,000 in the U.S. die each year from ovarian cancer. For breast cancer, 28 women out of 100,000 in the U.S. die each year. A lack of screening tools specific for ovarian cancer may be partially why the mortality rate is so high. Symptoms are non-specific and, contrary to common belief, pap smears do not detect ovarian cancer; they detect cervical cancer.
A suggestive benefit from the low-fat dietary pattern was seen for total invasive cancers. A 5% risk reduction was seen. There is, however, a probability of 10% that a risk change of this size or larger occurs by chance alone.

Background points about the low-fat dietary pattern from the WHI Dietary Study

The low-fat dietary pattern from the WHI Dietary Study that dietary change (intervention ) participants were asked to adopt included 20% of calories from total fat, 5 or more daily servings of vegetables and fruits, and 6 or more daily servings of grains. The usual diet (comparison) participants were not asked to make dietary changes. As reported previously, significant differences in dietary intake were achieved by the dietary change group whereas the comparison group’s diet remained relatively stable. By year one, the dietary change group had significantly reduced their total dietary fat from 35% to 24.3% of calories (10.7 percentage points lower than the comparison group), increased vegetable and fruit intake from 3.6 to 5.1 daily servings (1.2 servings higher than the comparison group), and increased their grain intake from 4.8 to 5.1 servings daily (0.9 servings higher than the comparison group). The dietary change group throughout the study maintained much of the dietary change but some return to previous habits did occur.
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Health Risks and Benefits 3 Years After Stopping Randomized Treatment With Estrogen and Progestin

Findings Summary

The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Estrogen plus Progestin Study (E+P) was stopped on July 7, 2002 (after an average 5.6 years of follow-up) because of increased risks of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer in women taking active study pills, compared with those on placebo (inactive pills). The study showed that the overall risks exceeded the benefits, with women taking E+P at higher risk for heart disease, blood clots, stroke, and breast cancer, but at lower risk for fracture and colon cancer.
After stopping study pills in the E+P trial, WHI continued to collect follow-up study data from participants to evaluate the effects of stopping hormone therapy. Follow-up information for the period July 8, 2002 to March 31, 2005 was available on 95% of the women. This summary reports on the health outcomes of E+P trial participants at three years after the study pill intervention was stopped (with a mean average of 2.4 years of follow-up). The primary outcomes of interest were coronary heart disease and invasive breast cancer. A global index used to summarize the balance of risks and benefits included these two outcomes, plus stroke, pulmonary embolism, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, hip fracture, and death due to other causes.
Three years after stopping hormone therapy, women who had taken study pills with active estrogen plus progestin no longer had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (heart disease, stroke, and blood clots) compared with women on placebo. The lower risk of colorectal cancer seen in women who had taken active E+P disappeared after stopping the intervention. The benefit for fractures (broken bones) in women who had taken active E+P also disappeared after stopping hormone therapy. On the other hand, the risk of all cancers combined in women who had used E+P increased after stopping the intervention compared to those on placebo. This was due to increases in a variety of cancers, including lung cancer. After stopping the intervention, mortality from all causes was somewhat higher in women who had taken active E+P pills compared with the placebo.
Based on the findings mentioned above, the study’s global index that summarized risk and benefits was unchanged, showing that the health risks exceeded the health benefits from the beginning of the study through the end of this three year follow-up. The follow-up after stopping estrogen plus progestin confirms the study’s main conclusion that combination hormone therapy (E+P) should not be used to prevent disease in healthy, postmenopausal women. The most important message to women who have stopped this hormone therapy is to continue seeing their physicians for rigorous prevention and screening activities for all important preventable health conditions.
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Breast cancer

Following the release of the findings from the Women’s Health Initiative Estrogen Plus Estrogen Hormone Trial (E+P), use of hormone therapy in the United States fell sharply. During that time, rates of breast cancer also went down, suggesting a relationship between stopping hormone therapy and the decrease in breast cancer. However, some researchers felt that the drop in breast cancer was too fast to be explained by lower hormone use. Others thought that the decreased rates might be due to the drop in mammography rates during the same period.
WHI investigator Rowan T. Chlebowski, M.D., Ph.D., Principal Investigator of the Torrance, CA clinical center, and other WHI scientists examined data from WHI participants to help explain the reason for the drop in breast cancer rates. In this analysis, they looked at new breast cancer incidence, hormone use, and mammography use over the same period of time in two groups of WHI women: those in the E+P Hormone Trial and those in the Observational Study. Their findings are reported in the Feb 4, 2009 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.


Findings from this new analysis confirmed that the risk of breast cancer associated with estrogen plus progestin use goes down significantly once these hormones are stopped. In addition, they found that the increase in breast cancer risk seen with longer use of estrogen plus progestin is even higher than previously estimated. A woman continuing E+P hormone therapy after about 5 years doubles her annual risk of breast cancer.
The study findings suggest that the decline in breast cancer risk seen after hormone therapy was stopped was unrelated to the drop in mammography use during those same years. “These findings support the hypothesis that the recent reduction in breast cancer incidence in the United States is predominantly related to a decrease in combined estrogen plus progestin use,” said Dr. Chlebowski.
“Postmenopausal women and their physicians should consider these findings when weighing the risks and benefits of combined estrogen plus progestin use, especially if they plan to take the medication for more than five years” said Dr. Chlebowski.


  • Combined estrogen plus progestin longer than 5-years nearly doubles subsequent breast cancer risk each year.
  • The marked decline in breast cancer risk soon after stopping hormones is not related to changes in mammography use.
  • These findings support the hypothesis that the recent reduction in breast cancer incidence is primarily related to a decrease in estrogen plus progestin use
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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

How to Get Rid of Dark Under Eye Circles

If you are looking for how to get rid of dark under eye circles and getting more sleep is not an option, then you are going to follow these steps. There are many reasons that you can have this very common problem. The way to get rid of it is always the same. You need to combine some skin care techniques and makeup products to make sure that you look your best when you step out side in the morning.
Step One
Clean your face and make sure to rinse with cold water to help to get rid of the puffiness that occurs when you first wake up. The water will help to wake you up and to prepare your skin for the next steps in this process.
Step Two
Apply an eye cream or gel that is formulated for puffiness and dark under eye circles. You will find that there are differences between eye products that are for lines and wrinkles and the ones that are formulated for this purpose. If you are in a bind and do not have these eye products, you can use tea bags or a cold teaspoon to reduce puffiness around the eyes.
Step Three
Choose a cream concealer that is a half shade to a shade lighter then your natural skin tone. You want to lighten the area under your eyes to get rid of the appearance of dark under eye circles. There are some products that have light diffusing properties that can be very helpful in this purpose. One of the best is the Estee Lauder Ideal Light Brush On Concealer.
Step Four
Apply your concealer on top of the dark under eye circle. You will want to use your ring finger to tap the product onto the skin and blend it into the surrounding skin. You can apply more to build up the coverage to where you want it to be. It is best to start out with a little bit of this makeup product and add more as you go. This way, you can get the look that you want the first try.
When followed the correct way, this will get rid of dark under eye circles for you every time. Whether they are there from a lack of sleep or it is your natural skin tone, you need to have the correct tools in your makeup kit to get rid of this problem.
Do you want to know what other items that you have to have in your makeup case then you need to go to Makeup Tips. This is the place where you can find what the best products to use are and how to use them correctly. When it comes to the world of beauty, you need to know what is hot and where you can find it.
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Home Hair Care Tips

  • Drink lots of water and eat well (green vegetables). Water helps keeps your hair from getting dried out, and green vegetables keep your hair strong and healthy.
  • Use hair moisturizers to help keep your hair from getting dried and reducing breakage.
  • Don't sleep with wet hair. Make sure your hair is dry before retiring for the night. Continuous wet hair will cause the hair to split, and become more entangled and frizzed out over time.
  • Avoid excessive heat on the hair. Make sure you limit the use of the high heat setting on your hair drier, and don't over heat your hair when curling, as it can damage your hair. Only heat long enough to get the hair to curl.

For all the short hair gals, start out by realizing that you have to have your hair cut every 4-7 weeks to maintain the consistency of the short hair style you have chosen. Depending on your hair's growth rate, you may have to come into the salon more or less often. To keep a short haircut looking fresh and make it easier to style, it must be maintained. Also keep in mind that you will be required to do a bit of staying when you have a trendy short cut. Consider having your hair colored. It will accent the shape and dynamic of your haircut, and also keep it from losing it shape so fast. We call that roughing up the hair. Don't think that you can get away from using maintenance products, as it's essential that you have a root booster and textured cream to contribute in styling that sassy bob or shag. Of course hair spray is necessary, but make sure it has a soft flexible hold, not crunchy. Follow the product's directions closely, to maximize its benefit.
For all the ladies with long locks, realize that it is important and less time consuming to not shampoo your hair everyday. Over shampooing can actually dry out your hair, and your hair color won't last as long. Become creative with your look and image by experimenting. Day one after a shampoo should be when you spend the most time in styling your hair. Day two you can pull out the dry shampoo and go to town. Apply by spraying the roots in one inch section from the crown of the scalp down to above the ears, on either sides and down the back. Then use your finger tips to work the product into the scalp to soak up excess oil.
Also on day two, pull out the curling iron and pop in a few waves. Stay away from perfection, a styled/messy look is the look we're going after. Don't forget about day three. Get stocked up on hats scarfs and hair accessories. Bring out the braids, side ponytails, half up/half down, and casual up-dos. You'd be amazed how nice a side pony with a beautiful flower will blow over. Another helpful tip for keeping hair looking fresh: always pre-book your appointments and listen to what your stylist tells you. Like any other field, hair stylists have been trained in not only making your hair look great, but they have extensive training in hair health care as well. Hopefully I have given out a few helpful tips to maintain your hair at home!
XOXO Libby
Libby M.
The Spot Hair Salon
724 Maint St. Unit C
Longmont, CO 80501
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Eye Secrets Review

Looking for a product that can make you more beautiful will have you looking at cosmetics procedure and drugs. Well, both of these are effective but they take days before results are seen or they can harm your health because of the side effects that they bring. Well, where does that leave you if you are already running out of time or you do not have the money to pay for a Botox procedure? It is about time that you weigh your options by choosing one product that is very affordable and effective at the same time. One such product that rings a bell is Eye Secrets. It has been gaining popularity all over the word because of its ability to transform you to a real beauty in just a jiffy.
Feel Young And Look Younger.
Whenever you meet someone new for the first time, the eyes are the first part of the body that gets easily noticed. Understandably, your eyes determine the feelings that you have from the inside. Others can even tell if you have problems or not because of your eyes. Sadly, there are those whose thoughts get misinterpreted because their eyes are able to send their messages clear. Of course, you do not want this to happen because it can be a real turn off to be misinterpreted as somebody you are not. Eye Secrets can help you bring out the real you in this versatile product that yield results in just a snap. It highlights your eyes by lifting your eyelids thereby making you look more vibrant and beautiful.
All It Takes Is A Few Minutes.
Efforts of looking young are many and it can range from getting a cosmetic procedure or drinking a supplement. This is not the case with Eye Secrets. All you need is to purchase the different products that they sell online and off you go towards a more beautiful you. This product is very ideal among women who want results right away. Since this can last for up to 12 hours from the time of application, you do not have to worry about concealing the wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.
Easy Does It.
Most products and procedures that offer you with a youthful glow and look require days or weeks in order for results to manifest. Not with Eye Secrets. As soon as you have done spraying or applying the product that will suit your needs, you will instantly get the results that you want in just a wink of an eye.
Is Eye Secrets a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Instant Eye Lift!
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A Healthy Digestive System Is Key To Healthy Skin

Although some people look for the perfect skin cream or expensive skin treatment, others may prefer a more natural approach to taking care of their skin. People vary greatly in their opinions about what is the best natural approach to skin care. Although many common remedies have merit, this article will focus on how having a hearty digestive system can improve the appearance and health of your skin.
First increasing the amount of fiber in your diet can improve the health of your skin. To those involved in natural medicine, having good skin starts with having a digestive system that is well taken care of. Many doctors now recognize that poor digestion contributes to skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and even acne. Increasing the fiber in your diet greatly increases the health of your digestive system. There are many ways you can increase the fiber in your diet. You could try adding brown rice or whole grain breads to a meal; you could eat fruit like prunes or apples as a snack while you are working, or you can try eating high fiber vegetables like beans each day. If you are really in a hurry you can take fiber supplements-many of which can be found at your local grocery store.
Second, increasing the amount of water you drink every day can vastly improve the health of your skin. This is true simply because the more water you drink the healthier your digestive system will be. There are many ways to increase the amount of water you drink every day. Many people drink less water because the water out of the tap tastes poor. If this is the case, make sure you get a filter because drinking alternatives, like soda or juice, have calories that add up as well as ingredients that may in fact increase your thirst. Other tips include drinking all your water before the evening each day so that you aren't up all night in the bathroom, or drinking water at room temperature because it is easier to drink large amounts.
Finally getting up and being active will increase your skin's health. People who spend most of their day sitting typically have more skin problems than those who find time each day to be active. If you work at a office taking breaks to walk around or even stretching every hour can have significant impacts on your skin's health.
Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures like Botox for skin care to advanced procedures like Rhinoplasty. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing site.
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Feeling Beautiful Starts In Childhood

As children, we all learned a lot of important lessons. Much of how we see the world is connected to the experiences that we had as small children. We learned from various situations how to react and what to think and feel. Many of the attitudes and opinions that we carry around with us came from our parents.
Now that many of us are parents ourselves, it's time to start thinking about that powerful parental influence and what we might be teaching our children about how to see themselves. Your opinions and attitudes about what makes someone beautiful are probably rubbing off on your children all the time. Kids listen to the things you say about others, and they are likely to eventually adopt those same attitudes.
You might think that making fun of others is relatively harmless, but you might not understand how your children will perceive your actions. They may become preoccupied with beauty and worry that you will find them unattractive. Overweight children might feel a great deal of pressure to lose weight because of derogatory statements that they feel their parents make about people who are overweight.
One way that parents inadvertently hurt their children is by complaining about their own bodies. A mother who talks constantly about how she hates her hips teaches her children that they should hate their own hips too. Women are guiltier of deprecating themselves, but some men do this too, talking jokingly about going to seed. Children notice this kind of talk and begin looking for flaws in their own bodies.
Most parents don't even realize that they are giving their children these beauty lessons. Good parents want their children to be happy and to learn to accept their own bodies. Yet children are always more likely to learn from example than by precept. The attitude you have about your own body is almost certainly being passed on to your children.
The question is, then, do you need an attitude adjustment? It may be time for you to closely examine the kinds of things you are saying about your body. Even if you feel that your complaints are warranted, you might want to think about not saying them out loud. In any case, think about what you are saying and assume that everything you say is being absorbed by your children.
Maybe it's also time to let go of some of your complaints and allow for a little acceptance. Maybe you don't have the body you want, but you don't have to hate it. The sooner you can accept your body the way it is, the sooner your kids will be able to accept their own bodies and begin to feel beautiful.
Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures to advanced plastic surgery procedures like Rhinoplasty. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.
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Natural Hair, The Journey

Before you even begin your natural hair journey, you need to have a plan. You and your hair are going to go through a serious transition. Its almost like a 12 step program. If you do not have a plan to take you through this transition, sheer frustration (depending on your hair type) will send you running back to a relaxer faster than you can say natural. I say depending on your hair type, because some people can slap their hair into a ponytail and look presentable. If you have hair like mine, you have to learn how to tame her before she will do anything for you.
During your transition phase, you still want to look presentable, especially if you have a professional job. What you don't want to do is rock the half relaxed, half natural look, like I did for a while. Or wear your hair in a head wrap everyday.
Here are some tips on how to maintain your hair while growing your relaxer out.
Braids can be a lifesaver. You have the choice to braid your natural hair or use synthetic hair. You will never get bored with braids, because you can wear your braids in a plethora of styles. Everyone knows someone that can braid.
Hot Comb/Blow out
Although, this is my least favorite, some people tend to press their hair during their transition. Excessive heat can damage your hair. But on the other hand their are new and improved ways to press your natural hair today that can minimize the heat damage. If this is the route you choose to go, try to find a professional to press your hair for you. Also make sure to treat your hair. Get a really good deep conditioner to try to combat the damage that you may be causing your hair.
You can purchase a couple of wigs and alternate between them. Wigs are another resource. They come in every color and style imaginable. The opportunities are endless. During this time you should also be experimenting with different ways you may want to wear your hair when you are completely natural. Do your research, visit this site and other sites and magazines for the latest styles.
How long will it take to grow out my relaxer?
This is a question that I am asked a lot. There is really no cut and dry answer. What you're really asking is, how long do I have to endure the ugly phase? Everyone is different. My hair is course and thick, and my new growth would surface quickly. Waiting 6 weeks to get a touch up was torture for me, because my new growth was in usually within 3-4 weeks. I would say within 6-7 months (if memory serves me correctly) I had enough new growth to cut off the relaxed ends. It really depends on how fast your hair grows.
Do I have to cut my hair?
Another question, I get all the time is, Do I have to cut my hair? Again this may be on a case-by-case basis. I have never met anyone that has not had to cut their hair at some point during the process, but I have heard rumors that you can go natural without cutting your hair. As for me, I realized when it was time for the big chop, because my hair stopped growing, began breaking a lot and my ends became very stringy. For you it may be different.
I've also heard people say that they cut their hair as they went through the process, rather than cutting off the relaxed ends all at once.
Okay you are all "Na-Chu-Ral," So what the heck do I do now? You are finally free! You've unchained yourself from the relaxer and now you have a head full of natural hair, your hair Your beautiful hair. Now after you have run your fingers through it a dozen times, reality sets in. What do I do with all of this hair? Hopefully by now you have come up with some styles that you may be interested in trying out. Now it's time to put your plan into motion. The worst thing is to wake up in the morning to get ready to go to school or work and not have a clue what you are going to do with your hair. I've been there. Don't do it! You have to get used to combing and styling your own hair. It's a bit different without a relaxer. Be patient and practice good planning.
Kenisha Forbes
For more on natural hair related tips visit
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Your Beauty Is Just A Part of Who You Are

You probably want to look good, and there's nothing wrong with that. People tend to judge each other quickly by what they see at a first glance, and so it's understandable that you might feel a lot of pressure to make yourself look attractive to others. Some people take it too far, though, and begin defining themselves according to their beauty rather than their other traits.
If you are concerned about your beauty, you might be willing to invest a lot of time and money into making yourself look just right. This investment probably involves the cost of fashionable clothing and the time it takes to go shopping. You might have skin care and hair care products that are beyond the basics essentials. If you are pouring hundreds of dollars into beauty products, you might want to stop and reconsider the investment.
What are you really investing in? You might spend the money without really thinking about whether you need the products or not. It might just seem like second nature. People usually invest in something in the hopes of getting something in return. What do you really hope to get back? It may be that you want others to respect and admire you.
But there are other reasons that people might respect and admire you. Beauty is only a part of who you are, and it is usually your other traits that actually attract other people. They might see you are beautiful, but they also see that you are confident and comfortable in social situations or that you are good at knowing what colors looks good together. Chances are that your friends love you because you are kind or funny and not because you look good. It's good to take a step back and assess what your strengths really are. Take a moment to congratulate yourself on them.
If you are too worried about beauty, you will probably not be satisfied with how you look. Many people obsess too much over their flaws to the point that they are unable to recognize their good features. It's a deadly trap to fall into because it will make you try ever harder-and invest more time and money-to look good while never feeling beautiful.
Every now and then, take a little time to honestly assess how you feel about yourself. If you hate how you look, chances are that you need a reality check. Your beauty is just a part of the whole mosaic of you, and you should learn to see the whole picture and not just that one part.
Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures for skin care to advanced procedures like Rhinoplasty. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.
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10 Reasons For Needing To Find A New Hairdresser

Are you ready to find yourself a new hairdresser? Here are 10 reasons why you may need to move to a new salon for your latest style.
1. If you've been with the same salon for many years, you may simply fancy a change of scenery or trying something new.
2. If you're looking for a more adventurous hairstyle but don't feel your current hairdresser is up to the job of creating it for you, it may be suitable to find somewhere new.
3. If you are unhappy with the prices at your current salon, perhaps after a recent increase, you may want to look for somewhere new that offers better value.
4. If your salon refuses to stock the latest products or use the latest equipment, you may be ready to look for somewhere that is more up to date.
5. If your favourite stylist has left your salon, you may no longer want to use the establishment. If he or she has moved to a different hairdressing salon, you may wish to move your custom there too.
6. If a new salon has opened up nearby and you've heard good things, you may want to find some more details about it to see whether it's right for you.
7. If your current salon is closing, you may be forced to find a new hairdresser to provide your next cut.
8. If you feel the service in your current salon is not good enough and you feel you could be better treated elsewhere, it may be time to search for a replacement.
9. If you want to start taking your children to get their hair cut while you have yours done but your salon doesn't allow it, you may need to find somewhere more family-friendly.
10. If you've relocated to a new city, you may need to find somewhere local to your new home that can cut your hair.
If you are looking for a Liverpool hairdresser, you may benefit from using an online local business directory.
You can also use the local directory to find a Liverpool dentist or electrician. Or even the best takeaways Liverpool has to offer. Plus, you find links to websites, reviews, ratings and even directions.
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Outstanding Women in Business

Old hurdles such as gender barriers have practically been overcome. This is clearly seen in the business world where men and women are sharing opportunities and responsibilities based on qualifications and not gender. In fact, women have contributed greatly to developments in business.
Let's take a brief look at three such notable women in business; a world-class CEO, an innovative entrepreneur, and a leading consultant, and see how they have helped shape the business world as we know it today.
Carol Bartz (Yahoo!, CEO)
In 2010, CEOs of fifteen Fortune 500 companies were women. One of these influential women in business is Yahoo! President and CEO, Carol Bartz, who became its Chief Executive Officer in early 2009. At that time, Bartz took over the helm of the third most-visited website when its market share was declining. She faced the difficult task of turning the company around and was able to score deals that enabled Yahoo! to maintain and enhance its core business. Despite some expressed doubts that Yahoo!'s position has improved; many believe that Bartz has performed better than expected. Bartz served as CEO at AutoDesk before joining Yahoo!.
Anita Roddick (The Body Shop, founder)
Many successful women in business are also ground-breaking entrepreneurs. One such woman was Anita Roddick, founder of the cosmetics firm, The Body Shop. Roddick started her company in England in 1991 and, over the years, it grew to become the world's second largest beauty products franchise. But The Body Shop is more than just a successful venture; it is a revolutionary way of doing business as well. It was founded on the principles of "ethical consumerism" and fair trading practices, which contributed to the brand's image. Roddick died in 2007.
Linda Solomon (Deloitte Consulting)
Expert women in business can also be found in the consulting industry. Linda Solomon is a leading consultant at Deloitte. Solomon has a considerable consulting career which began in 1990. She now serves as head of the Deloitte's Homeland Security consulting services, which is one of the firm's most important divisions. Solomon has implemented a successful financial optimization program in her sector as well. Solomon was named one of the top 25 consultants in 2010 by
These three women are only a few examples of how women have influenced the business landscape. This proves that in business competence, not gender, determines success. Women now have better chances of landing in topnotch positions, gone are the days that women are left in their houses to take care of the family home.
Tamar has over 23 years experience in the events and promotions industry and her passion to help as many people as possible to find financial freedom through knowledge, education and inspiration. Her main focus as part of Top Speaker Events is to deliver the highest standard speakers who offer real life changing content, opportunities and knowledge from all over the world.
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Wedding Dress Topics Explained

Do You Have the Right Undergarments?
Do you have the right undergarments all ready for your big day? To me, this is something that needs to take a little more thought then just a shopping trip. Finding your undergarments is a huge necessity. You are going to have to try on your dress with the undergarments that you have picked out and make sure that they look perfect with your amazing wedding dress. Something else that is very important is that you HAVE to make sure that they are comfortable for you to wear all day and night. For brides, this is a really long and tiring day. You will start out early with getting ready, then pictures, the ceremony, and then the reception. Find undergarments that are comfortable but sexy, because all of know that there is always the "wedding night"! The last thing that you want your undergarments to do is make your dress look bulky or show lines.
Something that you might want to consider is going and getting a properly fitted bra and make sure you have the right size to reduce the bulges and pinches. You will want to have a seamless look from you neck all the way down to your toes. Some of the different bras that you could find to wear are a corset bra, an original strapless bra, a built in bra in your wedding dress, backless bras, and low back bras.
Personally, if I see a bride that has straps showing, it just doesn't look good; so make sure that you find a comfortable enough one that will not show.
Flowers and Textures Are Everywhere
Have you noticed all of the modern and edgy new dresses out that are sweeping the runways? They all have a new vintage and modern flair to them that is just outstanding. Something that I have noticed in many of the dresses is that there are flower and texture embellished all over. I think they are very romantic and stylish. You can see these flowers at the bottom of skirt, at the waistline or all over the skirt. There are dresses that have a couple at the hip of the dress to give a center focal point and then there are dresses that you see the flowers up by the neckline of the dresses. The flowers can be placed anywhere on the dress and it doesn't matter where they are placed, the dress always looks beautiful. To me, this makes or breaks the dress. By having different elements on the dress shows your character. It could be by having these kind of vintage and modern touch of a flower or of course the beading and embellishments that could be placed anywhere on the dress also.
What About Having Two Wedding Dresses?
You are staring to see this happen more and more often with brides in today's wedding scene. Brides have been getting two different dresses for their big day. They will usually find a formal and traditional wedding dress. Nothing different has changes from that. The thing that is different is that they will then find a dress that they wear for their reception. This dress could be a short dress to show off some leg, a more fitting and party dress, or I have even seen their reception dress be in a different color other then white. They usually change into these reception dresses sometimes before the reception, that way when you are announced, you are wearing something different and everyone will be able to see it all at once.
Other brides want to have their traditional dress on for a certain amount of time during the reception. It could be that they want to make sure they have pictures taken in her first dress for the toast, dinner or the cake cutting. And when whichever activity is over, then they will go and change. It is completely up to the bride,as to when she wants to change into her second dress. There isn't a right or wrong thing about this. Whatever the bride wants to do is what should happen!
Matching Your Wedding Cake.
Are you stuck and bogged with so many ideas that you don't know what you want your cake to look like? Some brides want a simple design, some don't even want to have a wedding cake, and others don't know how to design the cake for your big day. Something simple that you could do to decorate your wedding cake is make the cake match your wedding cake. I have seen this technique many different times in wedding cakes. Some brides will only have the lace pattern. You can resemble a lace or beaded pattern all of the cake or it could be a trim around one of the layers. Also, others will go above and beyond and make each layer of the cake resemble a certain part of the dress that she likes. You could resemble the way the fabric flows by making the fondant look as if it had a drapery effect. Another way is by using edible pearls or diamonds, depending on what your dress has on it. Either way you do this, it looks very elegant and it also makes your cake have some meaning to it.
A way you can add color to your cake is by adding your accent wedding color as ribbon or having a tier of the wedding cake this color.
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Pregnancy Weight Gain - Beautiful!

You find out that you are going to be a new mom in 9 months. You are so excited and are looking forward to enjoying every minute of your pregnancy. The thought of waiting patiently, then finally getting to hold your little bundle of joy fills your heart with happiness. Nothing can interrupt this wonderful feeling. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks...pregnancy weight gain.
Gaining weight during pregnancy is something most women fear. Having a "baby bump" is not the issue, it is the extra weight that is gained throughout the whole 9 months. Why has this fear become so prevalent within our society? Only two little words are needed to answer this question, the media.
The media has portrayed women as having to be extremely thin, even during pregnancy. There is such a craze about weight loss and women seem to feel they never measure up to society's standards. The fear of becoming obese during (and after) delivery has plagued the minds of women nationwide.
The problem with this is that not only will weight loss, especially via fad and crash diets, will have a negative effect on the woman but on the unborn baby as well. Everything a mother eats, drinks, or ingests will have either a positive or devastatingly and potentially fatal effect on the baby. Going on a diet or strictly regulating food intake to insure minimum weight gain can cause the unborn baby to have numerous health issues such as: malformation, thickening of arterial walls, brain damage, premature birth, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, be more susceptible to autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosis, and may other health issues in utero and after birth.
The mom-to-be will also suffer health issues by loosing weight during pregnancy.
To avoid any problems with you or your unborn baby, eat healthy foods and limit the amount of empty or high calorie foods that contain a lot of sugar or salt. It is equally important to stay away from alcohol, smoking, caffeinated drinks, and drugs. If you go out to eat choose healthy foods. If you are not sure what foods are better for you ask for a nutritional guide.
Despite the old wives tale that you are "eating for two", you are actually providing necessary nutrients "for two". You only need 100 to 300 calories more than a normal healthy diet for someone your age/weight. You should also have healthy and nutrient rich snacks on hand. It is recommended to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. This will prevent overeating and, for most, prevents or lessens heartburn during pregnancy.
Why do I need to gain weight during pregnancy?
There are several reasons why proper weight gain during pregnancy is critical to your baby's growth and development, as well as your own well being. The number one reason for healthy weight gain during pregnancy is that your baby has specific nutritional needs at every phase of his/her development. This includes the stage before you know you are even pregnant. There are certain developments that can only take place at a specific time. Certain nutrients are required for these specific developments, which is why a healthy diet plus healthy weight gain is paramount for your baby to obtain optimal developmental results. Once that stage passes, it is gone and can not be "made up" in later stages.
By staying on a path of healthy weight gain also insures that the you are physically well enough to carry your baby throughout her pregnancy. Loosing weight and not eating a healthy diet can cause the you to become severely anemic and there is a possibility of a miscarriage especially in the first trimester. If you stay anemic during the entire pregnancy, you may have a problem with her red blood cells reproducing after delivery which can lead to health risks or, in very severe cases, can lead to death.
Whether you are underweight or overweight, it is recommended that you gain weight. The average weight gain is around 25-35 pounds. If you are underweight, it is suggested that you should gain around 28-40 pounds, and if you are overweight you should gain around 15-25 pounds. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35-40 pounds. No matter what category you fall in, it is imperative that you get prenatal care as soon as possible. Your OB/GYN will tell you how much weight you need to gain and how to obtain that goal in a healthy way.
How do I keep us both healthy during my pregnancy?
First, find an OB/GYN that you are comfortable with. He/she will tell you where you are in the "weight category". They will develop a nutritional plan for you and what/how often you need to eat. This will ensure the best possible start in life for your baby before and after he/she is born. It will also help you get in the habit of eating healthy and regularly throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
Second, you and your doctor will also develop an exercise regime that will help keep you at a healthy weight. Exercising regularly will:
decrease nausea/fatigue, lessen joint/muscle pain, lessens fat deposition in late pregnancy, raises your metabolism, and lowers chance for inducing labor/forceps delivery/C-section. 85% of women that exercise have uncomplicated vaginal births. Exercise also has health benefits for your baby. Your baby will be more lean, have a lower chance of exhibiting behavioral or chemical signs of stress, tolerate labor better, and do better and are more active at birth.
To prevent problems during pregnancy, start living a healthy lifestyle before you decide to conceive. If you are already pregnant, discuss with your doctor your current weight, how much you need to gain, what/how often to eat, develop a regular exercise routine, and go to regular check-ups to make sure you and your baby are healthy and stay that way throughout your pregnancy, during labor, and after delivery.
Block out what society thinks you should look like. Do what is best for you and your baby, and remember you are beautiful exactly the way you are!
At Quick Healthy Weight Loss.Org, Roger Thatcher is one of our foremost writer researchers.If you are in need of a program that will give you the many answers you are looking for in about weight loss and health for women, look no further, Click Here
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Women and Leadership: A Call For Change

I recently read an article titled "Bad Female Boss? She may have Queen Bee Syndrome" and felt compelled to write this post. In my work with more and more female leaders, I'm finding that many of them are struggling in their relationships with their employees. Although these women are highly competent, intelligent and extremely hard workers, they are often difficult to work for.
The article states that, "According to one group of German researchers, women who reported to female supervisors had higher cases of depression, headaches, heartburn and insomnia than if their bosses were men." Although the assumption has been that women will make more compassionate leaders, the reality has yet to play out that way.
Many of the female bosses I work with have had to fight their way through "good ole' boys clubs, patronization, contempt and an overall hostile work environment for women leaders. Many of these women responded to these environments by managing like men...and even tougher. The article reports that, "The Queen Bee Syndrome is the alpha female who tries to preserve her power at all cost." Although I understand how women have gotten to this place, it is not at all the place where we want to stay. Bringing more hardness into corporate America is the last thing I would like to see women doing.
Women, and the world, will benefit by women stepping in with a new kind of leadership. I challenge female leaders to think differently than ever before. Dare to step out from the old "power-over" paradigm and into a new paradigm that models a calm strength, a grounded presence and a collaborative spirit that truly mentors rather than shames those working under us. When we are grounded in our own strength, we will no longer feel the need to grind others into the ground to show we are on top. When we believe in ourselves, we will not be shaken by the success of other females around us-we will celebrate it.
Below are a few tips to keep in mind as a female leader:
1. Watch the tone. Just because someone makes a mistake does not mean you have the right to talk down to them, shame them or snap at them. Treat all of your employees with respect at all times.
2. Be a mentor not a drill sergeant. Take the time to show them how to think, create, and implement new ideas. Don't just give orders. Being punitive is the quickest way to create an angry, resentful employee. Be sure you teach them not punish them.
3. Listen to their voices. The absolute best way to instill loyalty from your employees is through positive treatment. If your employees feel you have their back, they will have yours. Trust me! Listen to their ideas, encourage creative thinking and create an environment where your door is always open. Do not shut them down either in a meeting or one on one. Do not allow anyone else on your team to shut your employees down either.
4. Remember and own your humanity. If you screw up-own it. Acknowledge your mistakes with humility and grace. This is excellent role modeling and will create a more compassionate work environment. If your employees say they don't like something you did-listen to their feedback. Their feedback is a gift to your leadership, have the courage to take it in.
5. Get centered. Remember that your inherent worth is equal to every other human being's worth. Do not try to prove yourself to those in higher positions than you or to those in lower positions. Be confident in who you are and refuse to squash anyone along your journey to the top (including yourself).
Being a leader is a gift. It is an opportunity to create change on a larger level. Take the time to think about the type of change you want to create. Don't just do the status quo-that's not being a leader. As a woman, dare to step out and be a new type of leader. We need more powerful, relational leaders than ever before. Have the courage to start a new paradigm shift in leadership that builds people up rather than tears them down. Start the ripple of change by daring to step out of old constraints.
Challenge: Take a long, hard look at your leadership style and ask yourself if you would want to work for you. If the answer is no, or you struggle with your employees, it's time to shift your leadership mindset. Mentor don't shame; build up don't tear down; lead don't bully.
Lisa Merlo-Booth is a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience in the field of therapy and coaching. She has worked with individuals, families and couples on a variety of life issues.
She earned her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Pepperdine University in 1991 and has received her coaching training from Coach University. Lisa is the Director of Training for the Relational Life Institute owned by the renowned author, Terrence Real.
Check out Lisa's blog on relationships at
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Cinderella, Dress For Success!

In the phenomenal bestselling book by Victoria Beckham, "That Extra Half An Inch!" Victoria shares the dramatic situation surrounding her introduction to the world of fashion! Within this account she illustrates the need to dress appropriately for the occasion!
The Spice Girls had been preparing for six weeks in the south of France for their first ever stadium show. In the midst of their tight schedule, Victoria reveals that she was suddenly invited to her first ever fashion show in, of all places, Milan!
Finding herself on the front row of one of the most prestigious catwalk shows in the world, she states, "...the world felt as magical (and unlikely) as Cinderella finding herself at the ball."
Her fairy godmother was, none other than, Donatella Versace, who had also invited her to the party afterwards. Then, to stay the night at her outstanding palazzo on Lake Como.
Victoria commented about the situation, "Of course, Cinderella Spice could hardly turn up in her little black Miss Selfridge dress..."
As fate would have it, Donatella had thought of everything. Victoria was escorted to the Versace shop and given the instruction that "I could choose whatever I wanted."
Victoria concluded about the event, "...this was the first time I had ever been that close to the fashion world, and it was like the fuse of a firework had been lit."
We may not have the same story to tell as former Spice Girl, Victoria Beckham. However, it is my wish for each of you to develop a greater desire for fashion and a passion to dress for success! Why? Dressing for success will give each of us greater confidence, contacts and crowds, leading to broader opportunities and richer life experiences!
Greater Confidence
When discussing clothing, we may argue, "It's what's inside that really counts." This is true but the eyes of men and women look on the surface before they ever find out what's inside. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we either see a professional or a novice. This is initially determined by what we are wearing.
We live in a world where we must sell our image before we can sell our products or enter into higher business relationships. To do that, we must believe in ourselves. If we don't believe that we are winners, nobody else will. Dressing appropriately for occasions will elevate our self-image and our confidence.
If you don't have loads of money like Donatella Versace, start with buying just one nice business suit or outfit. Use it for important occasions and you will feel successful when it counts.
It's amazing how much more capable people feel when they are dressed nicely rather than looking shabby. Confident people gain the confidence of those around them. Victoria Beckham, in Milan, would have certainly felt more confident and beautiful in her Versace outfit than her little black dress!
It's true, clothes don't make you, but they will certainly build your confidence, leading to greater self-worth and more pleasurable life experiences!
Greater Contacts
It's important for you to spend time with people who are wealthier than you. Dressing for Success opens doors for you to mix with a more affluent circle of influence!
Many years ago when I discovered the principle of building my net worth I purposely got to know people who had more money than I did. I still do this today! They continually challenge me to rise up to a greater level!
Look at the people you are friends with. If you are the wealthiest person in your circle you will find that you may not be growing to a new level financially. Each of us needs contacts that are ahead of us to spur us on!
Why not go out and get a wealthy friend. Not because you are hoping that they'll bail you out of your present financial crisis. Get a wealthy friend to teach you some financial sense. Then you can bail yourself out of your crisis!
If you don't know where to meet wealthy people go to a chamber of commerce city meeting, buy a ticket to a charity event, get involved in a business breakfast, a toastmasters function, go to exclusive clothing stores, or research using the internet. You'll find someone if you explore! When you go to an event, make sure you are well dressed. Your clothing will be the first (and quickest) step to helping you fit in.
One of the most wonderful things about hanging around wealthy people is gaining greater insight and wisdom. I firmly believe that if I can learn from someone else's mistakes then I can avoid unnecessary setbacks. This saves me time, effort, money and preserves my self-esteem. Success rubs off! If you spend time with a wealthy friend you will begin to see, speak, think and act like a wealthy person.
Successful people have success stories to share, just like Victoria Beckham, who met Donatella Versace and was inspired to another level of living! She now has her own clothing line!
Advice has great value if it comes from someone who is more successful than ourselves. You can learn about what's hot on the market, what's making money and what's booming. You never know when you will suddenly make a great contact, as you are dressed for success. Amazing opportunities may even come your way! If you look the part, others will be more likely to include you in their circle of success to influence your life!
Greater Crowds
Dressing for success allows others to believe in you and follow you. Victoria Beckham has emerged as a "true girl's girl" - GLAMOUR
People want to follow someone who looks like they have clear direction and are heading somewhere. If you want to attract a crowd you need to look the part. So invest in some nice clothes! If you don't know what to get or where to shop, find someone who looks good and ask them for help. It will pay off for you many times over.
Other areas to address for success
Each of us can find areas to improve. You may need to change your hairstyle, makeup, briefcase, accessories, etc. Some of you look nice but should improve your table manners. Others would benefit greatly from learning to become an active listener.
I've watched people who know very little about making money or becoming successful, get around wealthy people and dominate the conversation. This is merely the result of nervous tension! When they overpower others, it gives the impression that they are foolish. Remember that those who listen are perceived to be wise!
I believe that Victoria Beckham may have felt some discomfort upon meeting Donatella Versace and being thrust into her fashion circle! I also believe that she faced the situation with poise and preparation! I hope this brief discussion has helped you to focus on preparing for your personal Cinderella encounter!
As you begin to dress for success you will experience greater confidence, contacts and crowds! This will gain the attention of those around you, leading to more significant success and richer life experiences!
Questions to ask yourself
1. Do I dress successfully? Ask someone you know!
2. How can I change my appearance to look more successful?
3. Who do I know who is very wealthy?
4. How can I begin to spend more time around wealthy people?
5. Do I have impeccable table manners?
6. Am I able to listen and not dominate conversations, especially when I feel uncomfortable?
For more information about being prepared for a richer life experience, view this very helpful website (designed just for women): where you can discover a 35 day plan of action to prepare you for your personal Cinderella encounter!
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Women Who Fought for My Freedom

My family history is filled with men who served this country in the name of freedom, beginning with an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War and was scalped. I don't remember him but I do remember my grandfather and uncle. My grandfather fought for freedom in the trenches of Europe during the Great War. My uncle returned to Europe to fight to free Europe from the control of Adolph Hitler and his ungodly extermination camps. I honor my ancestors who have served in the name of freedom. In school, I learned how important their service was because of the safeguard to my freedom. I learned about George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and the Sons of Liberty. As an adult, however, when I think about my personal freedoms that I enjoy each day, I think about the women who fought peacefully until those freedoms that were written about in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution became a reality for me.
I loved my grandfather and uncle and remember the personal stories of how they suffered in the two Great Wars. Sometimes, however, freedoms can be attained without resorting to war when a person lives in a democracy. I would like to mention a few of the women who fought peacefully from 1776 until 1920 to insure that the precious freedoms so important to the Founding Fathers become a reality for the Founding Mothers also. These are: freedom to own property, receive a first class education, work in my chosen profession and receive equal pay for equal work, protect my children from child labor and domestic violence, make decisions about sending our sons to war and to have no taxation without representation. I have all these freedoms because a group of women were willing to be harassed, jailed and tortured, ridiculed and put on a Red List and even risk their own personal safety without retaliation to secure freedom from enslavement and the right to vote.
Therefore, I would like to honor a few of the women listed in the Timeline of Women's Suffrage at
Elizabeth Cady Stanton-worked in the Underground Railroad and cofounded the Women's Suffrage Organization.
Susan B. Anthony- Co-founder of Women's Suffrage Movement. She was arrested for voting in the 1872 election and had bail of $1000. Despite an eloquent plea she was denied a trial by jury and convicted of the crime of voting. She was fined $100.
Harriet Tubman- Also known as Moses of her people. Risked her life and was severely beaten many times for leading her fellow slaves into the Promised Land. After slavery ended, she lived in New York and continued to work for civil rights and women's suffrage.
Jane Addams- Founder of Hull House, Peace Activist and served as Vice President of the Women's Suffrage Organization. She was put on the Red List in the 1920's because of her efforts to alleviate starvation in Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Soviet Union. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1933.
Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were suffragettes who were arrested for protesting in front of the White House on the Night of Terror in November, 1917. They were jailed and tortured for two weeks until a journalist wrote about their plight and they were released.
Margaret Sanger was a sex education author and female advocate for birth control. She opened the 1st women's birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, NY in Oct. 1916. The clinic was shut down ten days later, but Ms. Sanger kept the case in front of the courts until a federal court decision in her favor allowed her to open the second clinic in New York City in 1917.
These women were left out of the history books I studied when I went to school in the 1960's. I always took my freedoms to vote, own property, receive an education, work in the career of my choice for granted. Like many others I was taught that these freedoms were earned by the bravery of those men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as well as the hundreds of thousands of others who died on the battlefields in all of the wars fought since 1776. I am grateful to all these men for protecting the democratic government that we do have in this country, but I am grateful there were those who really understood the meaning of democracy which is rule by the people and were willing to risk "their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" in peaceful protest to insure all the people have a part in that government.
Brenda Duffey Author and Peace Activist
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Girl Power

All over the world are women named Carol, but only a few have Foster as their last names. Most Carol Fosters do not stand out and have no way of being known. There are some, however, who rise above the rest and leave a lasting impression. These are just three amazing women.
The first is Carol A. Foster, M.D. A renowned doctor, Carol's specialty is curing headaches as she is also a victim of migraines. Dr. Foster lives in Phoenix with her two daughters, Melissa and Jennifer. Graduating from the Marshall University School of Medicine in 1985, she decided neurology was her calling.
Dr. Foster established a private clinic in 1990 that was devoted to the research and treatment of headache disorders. She is known for bringing a calm, sensible demeanor to her patients and all who meet her. Dr. Foster has made it her mission to inform and teach her patients, other health professionals, and the general public that you can treat a headache in more ways than just taking a pill. In time, the world will utilize her methods.
The second Carol Foster is known as a hero to women everywhere. She is a certified nutritionist and health consultant who recently published a book on how to treat and prevent ovarian cysts with self care and treatment called the Ovarian Cyst Miracle. Suffering first hand, Carol is no stranger to the pain and frustration that having an ovarian cyst can cause.
But just what is an ovarian cyst? Basically, any collection of fluid surrounded by a thin film inside an ovary can be classified as a cyst. They occur most often during a woman's childbearing years but can affect women of all ages. Some cysts are known to cause bleeding and pain which is where Carol Foster's book comes in. Her book has helped thousands of woman so why not be one of them or suggest it to someone you know?
The last Carol Foster is one known throughout most of Northern Florida. If you are looking for a home in Northern Florida, Carol Foster is the woman to call. She and her husband provide the resources for a team assembled by Watson Realty Corp. Together, they extend the housing services to reach even Amelia Island.
If you are a first time home buyer, Carol can help you by providing with programs and more advantages. Mrs. Foster has the skill and expertise to guide you through your options. By the time you finish, you will have the highest quality of real estate at your feet. Carol Foster is sure to make buying your new home a simple and enjoyable experience.
Many of history's women have done many great things to earn respect everywhere. Today, these three women continue that proud tradition. Woman of all ages can learn from what these three have accomplished. Whether it is curing a migraine, preventing vaginal pain, or even helping you find new residence, these women play no small part in this world.
Joyce Bastings has been writing about a broad range of health related matters for many years now. There has been an overwhelming demand for more information on Ovarian Cysts so take a look at Joyce's latest article on carol foster.
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New Treatments for Hair Loss in Women

Females are in a "Catch-22" position with regards to drug treatments for hair thinning. Whilst numerous drugs might function to some degree for some women, doctors are reluctant to prescribe them, and drug businesses are not precisely falling over themselves to test existing or new drugs particularly for their capability to stop and treat female pattern baldness.
Physicians are reluctant to prescribe systemic treatments (pills or other type of treatment that affects your whole program) simply because they are able to tamper together with your body's own androgen levels (see Causes for an explanation of androgens). The physician will initial wish to confirm that the hair falling out is because of an excess of androgen (an additional name for male hormones) within the program or perhaps a sensitized "over-response" to regular amounts of androgen. Consequently, physicians frequently select topical treatments, that are applied directly to the scalp.
Beginning treatment as soon as one can following the hair thinning ensures the very best outcomes, simply because prolonged androgenetic alopecia might destroy a lot of the hair follicles. The use of anti-androgens following prolonged hair loss will assist to stop further harm and encourage some hair regrowth from follicles that have been dormant but are still viable. Stopping treatment will result in the hair loss resuming if the androgens are not kept in check in some other way. Maintaining your vitamin and mineral levels will be of benefit whilst you are on anti-androgen medications.
You'll discover a list of treatments for hair loss in women. Presently there's only 1 FDA-approved treatment for female pattern hair loss. Other options have not been approved by the FDA for this specific application, but have been approved for other applications and are utilized "off-label" to treat hair loss.
The effectiveness of these agents and techniques varies from individual to individual, but numerous ladies have discovered that utilizing these treatments have created a positive distinction in their hair and their self-esteem. As expected, treatments have the very best opportunity of having a positive result if they're geared to the underlying cause of the hair thinning as well as hair growth.
While there exists a few options of specific medical treatments that offer OK results, depending on exactly what is causing the hair loss, and the degree, many experts say there are a whole range of natural treatments that can yield important benefits for women concerned about hair loss. One of the first steps to take is eating a healthy, nutritious diet.
In addition there are some powerful natural supplements that can combat baldness.
Hair loss can be really devastating, embarrassing and confusing. You can learn more about effective treatments for women in my provillus reviews.
Don't give up, it's NOT impossible. Learn more methods a

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